Forty days and forty nights (Lent) - Lent

Forty days and forty nights (Lent) - Lent
You only have 10 days left to challenge your personal limits and suspensions and honor your Dionysian side during the carnival. Pure Monday is fast approaching and with that, it stops and gets serious for a while, but that does not necessarily have to be bad. In fact, I know many people who welcome this moment of reflection and cleansing, of which I am one of them.
Lent In Greece,
We call this 40-day Lent which is exactly the word in Greek - 40 days. Lent begins on Shrove Monday and ends on Holy Saturday, after midnight. For devout Orthodox Christians, this is a time to go to church, to fast from foods that contain red blood (meat, poultry) and their products (milk, cheese, eggs, etc.) and fish and seafood with backbone. Some days even olive oil and wine are limited.
The purpose of course is to purify the body and mind but also to observe a discipline to prepare for the acceptance of the resurrection of Christ. Lent should be a moment of retrospect, a moment of forgiveness for others as well as for yourself. Lent is also about love and contribution and above all about faith.